Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need any special equipment?
      No you don't need to buy any special equipment to play quidditch. Everything has already been bought and paid for by donation and by preexisting members. We do not currently have a supplier of mouth guards, so if you feel that you need one, buy one if you want.

2. Do I need to buy special clothes?
      Nope. Just come as you are in regular clothes. No robes, brooms, or dragons needed.

3. Are there any club dues?
      Right now there are no club dues except to buy shirts. If you would like to buy a club shirt it is $5 per shirt. However, donations are accepted in order to buy new equipment.

4. Do I have to be an SJSU student?
      In theory you should be, but we have a handful of members who are not and we love them just the same! Therefore, if you aren't a student, come play!

5. Do people get hurt playing quidditch/Is it a contact sport?
      HECK YEAH. We're running around with broomsticks and dodgeballs. Yes this is a contact sport and occasionally people do get hurt, but not majorly. We do not wear protective equipment. If you want to bring your own, feel free. However, it'll be hard if you're running around dressed as the Michelin Tireman.

6. What if I'm not an athlete?
      Who is? I don't care. They don't care. Moving along.

7. What position/team should I play on?
      It's first come, first served. If you show up late, you get last pick of the spots. However, if you come early and you want to play, all positions are generally open. It's really up to you on if you want to either be a beater, chaser, keeper, seeker, or the golden snitch.

8. Is it an official school club?
       Yes we are fully sanctioned by San Jose State University as a club.

9. When will quidditch become a full team sport?
       As of right now we are merely a club. At this current point in time we have no answer as to if we could ever/will be a full team sport.

10. How many people play quidditch currently?
       At the moment we currently have about 20-30 people in the club. Of course, some people don't show up often due to work and school.

11. Who is your faculty sponser?
       A GOOD QUESTION. I will get back to you on that.

12. I'm unsure about playing quidditch. Can I just watch?
       Of course! We always permit you just to sit on the lawn with the referees and watch the quidditch game! Just be aware that the balls do occasionally migrate out of the field, so beware of mislead bludgers and quaffles!

13. Do we actually FLY in quidditch/What if I'm afraid of heights?
       LOL. We don't fly, so you shouldn't have any problem. Next question.

14. Do you play against other schools?
       At this current point in time we do not play at any other schools in the area on a regular basis. However, if we occasionally have games against the South Bay Skrewts.

15. Which "houses" play?
       We only use blue and yellow currently because of the Spartan colors.

16. What if it rains?
       San Jose generally has nice weather, but on occasion there is problems with the weather such as rainfall. In the event of rain, in the forecast we do a 2:00 check. Whoever is leading practice will check at 2:00 whether or not the weather is good for playing quidditch. If the weather is acceptable and not raining, we play. If it is raining, the leader of the practice will email everyone saying that quidditch has been canceled for that week.

17. Who referees the match?
       Generally one of the officers referees the match. If you are interested in becoming a referee, talk to the president.

18. Who do I contact if we want to join?
       Just show up, you don't need an invite or have to "officially sign -up at club day" in order to join! If you want to contact someone, please head towards the contact portion of this webpage.

19. Do I have to go to every meeting?
       Of course not. We're students too! If you have other priorities such as homework, work, etc., it's totally understandable. You don't have to show up to every meeting.

20. Do I have to tell anyone if I can't make it to practice?
       Nope. Just don't show up. If you want to tell someone, it's nice, but it's not mandatory.

21. What if I'm coming late? Do I have to do anything special?
       YOU HAVE TO BUY US ALL BUTTERBEER! If you come late, nothing happens. You will just have to wait your turn to play.

22. What do you do after practice?
       Nothing. We go home or find food on our own.

23. Is it a spectator sport?
       It can be. If you want to watch, you can. :DD

24. I've seen people take pictures of you playing quidditch. What is that about?
       Some people are curious. Some people use the pictures as proof that our club exists. Some people are just weird. We've also had people take pictures for the Spartan Daily.

25. What if I don't want my picture taken?
       We have no control over who takes your picture. Therefore, you'll have to live with it. For the record, on the liability form, if you read, taking of pictures is completely permitted while being at SJSU.

26. Is muggle quidditch sanctioned by J.K. Rowling/Warner Bros.?
       Nope. They haven't said anything against or for the topic. Moving along.

27. If I get hurt, is it the clubs fault/Can I sue the club if I get injured/Will you pay for my care?
       NO. You signed the liability form. It's a contact sport, if you get hurt you can't sue us. :P

28. I need to use a wheelchair, can I still play?
       Yup. So long as you don't intentionally use the wheelchair for unfair purposes, you can play! :D

29. If I'm injured, can I still play?
       If you insist. If you get further injured, it's not our fault though.... or you could just cheer on people from the sidelines or referee.